
Showing posts from December, 2007

Itemisation's 2007 Year in Review

In the spirit of all things New Year and as 2007 was one of the more memorable for both good and bad reasons for me personally, and because I've been very lazy and really need to provide some sort of blog fodder, I figure that some sort of 'wrap' item might be a good idea. I've been trying to work out how best to do it - it's trickier than you think - you try it if you're going to be so freaking judgmental! Do I break into categories: travel; friends; sport; family? Or maybe into fun stuff and not-so-fun stuff? What about alphabetically (ok, that's just a stupid idea - or is it...). There's always boring old chronological order, but frankly, I don't think I can remember what order things actually occurred. I know it sounds like I'm just trying to fill space, but I've genuinely been trying to work out how to do this for some time and I've finally decided to go with the categories and hang the expense (or something). As such and the li


I went and saw this bunch of dudes on Friday night, starring this man among a collection of very hot musician types. I haven't seen them before, but they're ace. Kind of part Bowie, part Pulp. I took my camera. I feel it's the first of many funs to be had in this pre-Christmas (POST HOWARD!!!!!) period and it kicked off the silly season beautifully. Go and see some gigs in December. You'll enjoy it, I promise.