
Showing posts from August, 2008

Possum gets serious

Possumcommitatus was THE indispensable Australian (statistical) politics blog last year. Looks like things are stepping up a notch. Hoorays! Gosh there's been a lot of video posts here lately...

And the Tony Award for "Best Girl as a Guy" goes to...

This piece of Genius from The Onion was brought to my attention by Peter of the now defunct Glutbusters . I'm proud to say that on our recent trip to the States we shared a lunch table with the Onion's appropriately hip, young, spunky marketing manager. So, you know, I am essentially responsible for this (leave credit card details in the comments kthx). High School Tony Awards Honor Nation's Biggest Drama Club Nerds

"Dream a little meme of me(me)"

Who even knew that this wonderful website existed.

Muppet style patriotism

I likes it. Via Snooze.

An post

I'm working from home today, which is both good and bad. Good because, well because I'm at home, but bad because when you work at home, there's no escape from work. That may sound like an obvious thing to say, but think about it for a minute. If you have somewhere to go to work, an office, a separate building, you are physically placing yourself in a different environment. You are surrounded by workly possessions and accoutrements, you have other people around you doing work-type things, you dress in work clothes, you talk work talk, you 'meet', you organise, arrange and produce. When you're at home, even if you have a special room, you're still at home which means that when you finish your work, there's no transition. You're already at home. There's no commute, no time to wind down, to remove worky thoughts from your mind. Consequently, working from home, for all its glamorous connotations kinda sucks. It either leads to horrendous procra