An item by any other name...

So I've been told by several people that I must change the name I have previously used to refer to my ladyfriend, because apparently "Sweety" is unacceptable.

I think that's probably fair enough, so I turn my hand to crafting a new moniker.

Several options immediately leap to mind. Geelong Football Club fanatic John Harms charmingly refers to his betrothed as "the handicapper", Peter from Glutbusters utlises "the redhead" though its relevance in this case is, well, non-existent, the delightful Danny Katz has his "beloved", while other friends have cornered "darlin" and similar charmingly rural terms of endearment.

"The ball and chain" seems uncharitable, "the little woman" just completely wrongtown. I've considered the term "lady item", but the whole item thing may cause difficulties.

Considering that my enormous audience already knows who I am (note I've given up spelling my name backwards), robbing me of all the joy anonymity brings (I'm looking at you Jelly) and yet not wanting to expose the true name of my companion, lest she be tracked down and fired for cavorting with someone who now has a blog, I shall ingeniously rename her...Snooze.

And if any of you have a problem with that...I'll probably change it again.

PS - does anyone else find it odd that the Blogger spell-checker doesn't recognise the word "blog"??


  1. I liked sweety. what was wrong with that?

  2. Ask the hordes...

  3. By itemisation, I do of course mean me.

  4. Well, I didn't say there was anything *wrong* with 'Sweety.'* I just thought it was a bit like something Howard Keel would say to a tiny-waisted, large-bosomed wench in some 1950s musical film which featured dancing cowhands or similar.

  5. Have you considered 'Schnoogly pants'?

  6. I was always confused that you spelt it with a Y, anyway. I tend to prefer an IE.

    Diff'rent strokes, as it were.


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