Insert banana here

It comforts me to think that "The Australian People" (TAP) will swallow any crap about the economy as long as it is peddled by a Liberal politician. Witness the Australian Prime Minister explaining why he is not to blame for rising interest rates:

" "What happened was that people shifted to buy other fruit because there were no bananas available and not only did bananas go up but all the other fruit went up as well," Mr Howard told ABC radio yesterday."

Holy crap/you are a genius etc.

Always willing to put himself on the front line to protect his constituents, John Howard flew to Queensland yesterday IN A MILITARY HELICOPTER to inspect the banana growing region in northern Queensland. Presumably his security detail was expecting trouble following reports that The Boy With The Screwdriver had recently been sighted in the area.


unFortunately, the Prime Minister arrived in the region safely and was able to greet the local townsfolk, promising that his Government would always have lower banana prices than a Government led by the ALP.

John Howard was later mobbed by a group of screaming teenage girls. Asked by a nearby journalist why they were so excited, one of the young women replied: "We feel that John Howard's leadership, while polarising much of Australian society, has done an enormous amount to correct the inherent imbalances evident in the post Cold War environment throughout South East Asia and the region. And while the complex political landscape and nominal independence of our immediate neighbours continues to be at the forefront of Australia's foreign policy, we feel that John Howard's (albeit limited) capabilities place our country in the best possible position at this specific juncture. And also, OMG!!!!LOLOL!!!1!1!!! he's like our favourite politician."

It's good to know our Federal Government, elected on its economic credentials, really understands inflation.

The Age is reporting that John Howard has this morning come out and spoken candidly of his greatest political fears. Initially, it was unclear if he was referring to the SIEVX, or the Tampa. It could be that he has had sleepless nights over the war in Iraq or the treatment of David Hicks.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think I might be beginning to respect the man.

Judge for yourself.

"Prime Minister John Howard has described spiralling petrol prices as "the greatest worry of my political life"."

Get. Fucked.


  1. Yeah, how funny is the banana theorem. And so many people are willing to subscribe to it when the measure of inflation that the RBA pays attention to deliberately adjusts for extreme outliers so they can get a measure of the underlying or trend inflation.

    It's certainly true that irregular spikes in prices of individual goods can create broad-based inflation, but the RBA isn't pumping up rates because of the bananas.

    It's more likely they're eyeing off the continued rise in underlying inflation.

    Still, it's much easier to focus on bananas rather than worry about the real role of an independent central bank in executing monetary policy.

    There's also a splash of irony in the idea that the RBA practices neoclassical preachings of having a central bank worry about inflation, but not unemployment, which should usually keep the wealthier folks happy, but that with so many people living the life of the wealthy on borrowed money (and, by implication, borrowed time), such policies actually hurt more than help.

  2. Borrowed time - I like it.

    Welcome Dr Mike


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