To blog or not to blog

I've been a blog stalker for years.

Always content to watch, never the balls to join in. Occasional commenter, but mostly a silent stalky presence lurking on the interwebs.

Discovering the blogosphere has reminded me just how much I enjoy good writing. Just the pure texty goodness that so many unknown people produce in relative anonymity.

I've followed the brilliant, saucy and occasionally shocking Ms Fits for years, delighted in the word-smithery of Jellyfish and admired the conviction, intelligence and persistence of Anonymous Lefty. Beautiful design and photography by Virginia from Alert But Not Alarmed, or the genius behind Canada's Daily Dose of Imagery. Dooce's acerbic wit, Powazek's ephemera, IOYC's bizarre world of punctuation and capital letters. I love them an entirely creepy innocent way.

Though I love the land of blogs, I've resisted joining it for this long for a number of reasons. But having been worn down by friends with blogs and friends with lives, I've finally decided to take the step and throw my metaphorical hat in the metaphorical ring with what I hope will be a partly communal and wildly varied experiment.


  1. Yay, finally! In the words of the late, great Big Kev, "I'M EXCITED!"


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