Another Freitag = Woot!
No one ever comes to my work on a Friday. In an area that can hold 16 people, today we have 3. That's right, 3.
So, to while away the hours here are some amusements forme you:
Ze Frank on the perils of flight
The Sydney Morning Herald online most read articles from yesterday afternoon - sent to me by Snooze...
And as the final irrefutable nail in the coffin of Virginia's-kitten-is-cuter-than-ourSnooze's-Mum's-dog, otherwise known as the Cuteness War, I present "Puppy Playing With Football".
Thankyou linesfolk, thankyou ballpeople, I believe that would be Game, Set and Match.
So, to while away the hours here are some amusements for
Ze Frank on the perils of flight
The Sydney Morning Herald online most read articles from yesterday afternoon - sent to me by Snooze...

It's a little tricky to read, but it says: "Tom, you're dumped"
And as the final irrefutable nail in the coffin of Virginia's-kitten-is-cuter-than-
Thankyou linesfolk, thankyou ballpeople, I believe that would be Game, Set and Match.
OMG how was he ever that small? I just want to eat his little brains.