Final boarding call for Mr Kyder, first name Al


It's incredibly juvenile but that's why it's so gold.

The boys from The Chaser have got themselves into trouble again, this time for booking airline tickets with dodgy names.

"The satirical show's executive producer, Julian Morrow, said two tickets were booked online under the names "Mr Al Kyder" and "Mr Terry Wrist" for an 8.30am Virgin Blue flight from Sydney to Melbourne."

They carefully avoided picking up their tickets, forcing the Virgin staff to make an announcement over the airport PA.

"Good morning ladies and gentleman," the announcement said. "This is the final boarding call for [name withheld], [name withheld], Al Kyder, [name withheld], and Terry Wrist, all travelling to Melbourne today on Virgin Blue flight 822."

And in a perfect demonstration of completely missing the point, the Virgin spokesperson, Amanda Bolger, had this response:

"The Chaser guys could do well with using spell check. Using names that could be genuine such as Al Kyder and Terry Wrist is hardly going to spark a global security alert"

Um... der.


  1. Yeah, it got them a headline, but it's a pretty shit prank.

    It doesn't prove anything, doesn't show anything, doesn't reveal anything, doesn't comment on anything.

    So what's the point of it?

    Ah, that would be the headline.

  2. I dunno Pete - I reckon it might be, you know, funny. And stuff. Not rolling-in-the-aisles funny, but chuckle-in-a-dull-airport-moment funny at least. At least.

  3. At best, Virginia, at best.

    The extent of the joke is basically: "here's a name that looks like a normal name but sounds like Al Qaeda".

    Which any high school kid could come up with. The only thing that makes it different is that they have money to spend.

    It's not fucking satire, that's for sure.


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