Friday's random interweb video - Part The First
It's Friday again. The last few weeks really have been moving very quickly.
As usual, a Friday afternoon finds me glaze-eyed, staring into the space somewhere between my nose and my computer screen. I can stay like this for hours, and only some form of physical violence (eg banging my head against a wall) can snap me out of it.
As such, and as I attempt to be a 'good blogger' in the non-biblical sense of the word, I shall hereby take advantage of my laziness and establish a Friday-afternoon-filling-regular-posting-habit-thing a la Ms Fits and Mr Lefty (started last week with this particular piece of brilliance) that I shall call, "Friday's random interweb video" or FRIV.
And just to get you all in the mood, here's two!! The first I fear most of you will be familiar with because I insist on showing this to anyone who comes within three feet of me, the second is just... well... I love Jon Stewart.
Boone Passes OUT on Vimeo
As usual, a Friday afternoon finds me glaze-eyed, staring into the space somewhere between my nose and my computer screen. I can stay like this for hours, and only some form of physical violence (eg banging my head against a wall) can snap me out of it.
As such, and as I attempt to be a 'good blogger' in the non-biblical sense of the word, I shall hereby take advantage of my laziness and establish a Friday-afternoon-filling-regular-posting-habit-thing a la Ms Fits and Mr Lefty (started last week with this particular piece of brilliance) that I shall call, "Friday's random interweb video" or FRIV.
And just to get you all in the mood, here's two!! The first I fear most of you will be familiar with because I insist on showing this to anyone who comes within three feet of me, the second is just... well... I love Jon Stewart.
Boone Passes OUT on Vimeo
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