Help needed

The work I do is kind of seasonal. In other words, we have periods when it gets mentally busy (as in really busy, not really thinky) and other times when there's not so much to do.

We are currently in the not so much to do period.

Essentially, at the moment if I want to do something, I need to pretty much make it up. I suspect it's a bit like being a Management Consultant:
Management Consultant 1: "Hmm, what are we going to do today?"

Management Consultant 2: "I know, let's just make something up because I have no idea what a Management Consultant is."

Management Consultant 3: "Great brainstorming team. Make sure you bill this session as a half-hour block."
You get the drift.

Consequences of having nothing to do:
  • Boredom
  • Laziness
  • Increased blogging
  • Decreased motivation
  • Etc.

  • It's not an enormous surprise then that this is the time most people at my work choose to take leave.

    I LOVE leave. So much so that I treasure it like a pirate hoarding gold (as opposed to a gold pirating whore). It builds up slowly, painfully inching it's way up by fractions of a day each week until finally you have enough for a tangible break.

    Problem is though, I love it so much, I don't want to use it, because then I WON'T HAVE ANY! Do you see my dilemma!?

    Can I get a "Hell Yeah"!?

    I'm convinced more and more people are taking less and less leave because they, like me, just love it so much they don't want to see it taken away.

    Yes I KNOW. I KNOW that the whole POINT of leave is to actually TAKE it and that saving it up is akin to putting a Federal budget surplus in a "Future Fund", but I can't help it, I'm compulsive.

    I need help to break out of this stranglehold by going on holidays NOW (or within the next week or two) and you dear readers (I know you're out there - I have my sources etc.), are going to help me do it.

    Where should I go on holidays? Help me. Please.





    1. You should go to Broome.

      You should also stop FREAKING UPDATING, ALREADY. I have 12 of your posts saved on my goddamn feedreader and I CAN'T KEEP UP!


      Damn you, prolific boy.

    2. Yes, I certainly feel better now that I know why Tom always has SO MANY MORE posts than me. This is good. My competitive spirit is now able to take a breather.

    3. We're supposed to be discussing where I can go on holidays, not how often I'm posting!

      Jelly - Broome you say. Might have to check it oot. Perhaps instead of reading my posts you should, I don't know, update your own blog so I have something to do.

      Helen - you can be a better you...

    4. You should come to Perth with me and Federico the Italian and the Redhead (who, interestingly, had a job interview today to be a management consultant).

      We leave on Friday night. Check Virgin Happy Hour - you might get a cheap flight. If everything goes to plan we stay over there to see the Dees flog West Coast or Freo at the House of Pain. It'll be worth the beatings we get in the carpark.

    5. you should horde until you have something you actually want to do. or till 'snooze' (though she'll always be sweetie to me) can take time with you.

    6. Perth sounds delightful!


    7. Hello itemisationalists.

      Huh Corp is a great piss-take of management consultanting:

      They "do stuff" and they speaketh the truth.

    8. Welcome Fluffy, welcome Robskee.

      Fluffy - I've been working on my animated gif skillz in order to get them 'mad'. Hope to give a demonstration shortly.

      Robskee - Huh Corp is freakin brilliant. Everyone go look and Redhead, take note.


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