It's not a big truck!

Apparently "almost 600,000 Australians completed their census online."

I was intending to, but Snooze has some strange fetish for filling in hard-copy forms, so we spent the evening cheerfully writing things down only to have to cross them out when we put the wrong stuff in the wrong boxes.


When the pleasant Scando Census Lady came round on the weekend to collect our form, she asked me if we had filled it out online as I had promised her we would. Somewhat shamefacedly I had to admit that, no we hadn't done it online because of my ladyfriend's somewhat odd preoccupation with paper and pens.


When I mentioned that we hadn't done it online, Scando Census Lady quickly mentioned that apparently LOTS of people had promised to do it online, but had given up because the connection speed was so slow.

I find this somewhat fascinating given that the Federal Government, the people who actually, you know, run the census and stuff, had just declared that there is nothing wrong with the speed of internet connections in Australia.

Helen Coonan, seen here looking rather frightening, stated that "no one is complaining about the speeds of broadband in metropolitan areas".



In direct opposition to Helen "Lightning" Coonan, Gary Barker wrote in The Age, that "by the standards of the International Telecommunications Union, what Australia calls broadband for domestic users does not even qualify."


"The international minimum broadband standard is 2 megabits per second (mbps). The best domestic service in Australia offers 1.5 mbps, and is available only to subscribers less than 1.5 kilometres from a telephone exchange. Korea and Japan already have 100 mbps to main city homes and are set for much higher speeds within five years."


Well, I guess it comes as no surprise, after all, the internet IS a series of toobs.

In other news, this man is a great American.

If you didn't see it, I highly recommend the transcript of Andrew Denton's interview of Major Dante Michael Mori on last night's episode of Enough Rope.

America is a wonderful country, it's just that people like Major Mori have been drowned out by the minority of heinous pricks.

I would like to shake his hand.


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