Slow work day

This is a record. Four posts in one day - work is very quiet at the moment.

But really. Oh. My. God. [link broken]

(Via Boing Boing)

UPDATE: As Virginia has pointed out in the comments, this article about why you shouldn't marry career women has been pulled from the Forbes website. Fortunately, the text has been captured by other quick-thinking bloggers. Enjoy!


  1. The article ends by saying
    'A word of caution, though: As with any social scientific study, it's important not to confuse correlation with causation.' Indeed.

    This article is an excellent example of the stupid conclusions that can be drawn from research results and the eye-catching headlines that sub-editors can give them.

  2. Have you checked out the story "in pictures"?

    It's offensiveness is tripled by the fact that it's Forbes, "home page for the world's business leaders". Bleurgh.

  3. I wonder what they think about women who read blogs while their bloke cooks dinner? (good thing my career's crap)

  4. Oh my god Kate. You should take heed.

    I'm surprised you're not off madly copulating with other men and killing babies.

    Still, I'm not sure reading blogs while he cooks is much better...


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