So Bershon right now

The delightful musings of Heather from Dooce alerted me to this phrase this morning, courtesy of a very funny blog, Que Sera Sera.

"...bershon is pretty much how you feel when you're 13 and your parents make you wear a Christmas sweatshirt and then pose for a family picture, and you could not possibly summon one more ounce of disgust, but you're also way too cool to really even DEAL with it, so you just make this face like you smelled something bad and sort of roll your eyes and seethe in a put-out manner. Kelly Taylor from Beverly Hills, 90210 is the patron saint of bershon, as her face, like most other teenagers', was permanently frozen in this expression."

Heh. 90210.

UPDATE: Sarah from Que Sera Sera has posted a photo of her teenage self demonstrating "bershon". Gold.


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