Thomas not guilty but still a terrorist

I am constantly astounded by the Federal Government's ability to repeatedly enrage me. Every day it seems a new policy is announced, or a decision is made, or a decision is avoided, or a dog whistle blown. It's like they have planted little spylets in my brain and they have a whole army of men in white coats analysing the data that flows forth to develop policy that will most effectively piss me off.

But despite the astonishingly long list of badness, this is among the most insane and appalling acts this government has pulled.

Why there is not more outrage in the community is a reflection of how effectively Howard and his repulsive right-wing cronies are changing the way Australians think about themselves. That despite being tried and acquitted by the justice system of Australia, Phillip Ruddock can have Jack Thomas placed under house arrest, is surely one of the most extreme interventionist and obstructionist government actions ever undertaken in this country.

The claims that have seen this outrage rubber stamped by Federal Magistrate Graham Mowbray, seem on the face of it to be extraordinarily tenuous at best.

"Without these controls, Mr Thomas' knowledge and skills could provide a potential resource for the planning or preparation of a terrorist act," the court order said.

"Could provide", "potential resource" - these are now sufficient grounds to deprive someone of their liberty? For fucks sake, I would argue that ANYONE "could" provide a "potential" resource for the planning or preparation of a terrorist act. Under this reasoning, anyone with a military background, anyone who knows how to handle explosives, anyone who can fire a gun or knows the layout of a power station or has commuted through Flinders St "could" provide a "potential" resource for the planning and preparation of a terrorist act.

Further evidence of the ludicrousness of this action can be seen in the order itself. Among other things,
"He cannot contact 50 specified individuals - including Osama bin Laden who are members of terror groups."

HE KNOWS HOW TO CONTACT OSAMA BIN LADEN?? Holy Crap - this man is an evil genius. The entire Western World has been trying to find Osama Bin Laden for 5 years, but apparently Jack Thomas HAS HIS PHONE NUMBER!!

I'm tipping the Federal Police would be pretty pissed off if I contacted Osama Bin Laden. Fortunately, that's pretty unlikely, given that no-one knows where the fuck he is. But Jack Thomas, he could contact Bin Laden AT ANY TIME!! Such is the perfidious nature of the towel-head terrorist.

It seems this action has been taken because Jack Thomas poses such an enormous threat to the Australian Way Of Life (AWOL - coincidence?), that he could not be allowed to have a week in Gippsland with his wife and three young children. He must report to Police three times a week, use only approved (tapped) phone lines and not leave his house between midnight and 5am.

If he is so dangerous that he cannot be permitted out of his house after midnight, then why was he permitted to live in the community without incident for 16 months after he returned from Pakistan in 2004? What has changed since then, that he must now forgo his civil liberties for the protection of the Australian community? There has been no suggestion that any new evidence has been provided, he is not accused of hurting anyone. The most serious charge against him, that he attended an AlQaeda training camp is disputed. He admitted taking money from someone he was introduced to in Pakistan and agreeing to allow his passport to be doctored so he could get home. That's it.

The whole thing is such an extraordinary disgrace.


  1. Have your seen the deluge of crap coming out of The Australian about this?

    Bad news.

  2. I don't know what's happened to The Australian. It used to be considered a relatively progressive and intelligent read.

    But now with the sort of extraordinary outbursts continually flowing from the likes of Chris Merritt, it's become some sort of mouthpiece for the right. See here for Left Writes' take on it.

  3. I am appalled by The Australian. I chucked it across the office in disgust this morning. I was always suspicious of a newspaper that gave more space to thoroughbreds than the arts, but the beatup over Jack Thomas is unbelievable.

  4. To be perfectly honest I'm not the least surprised about what comes out of the Australian. One can't really expect more from Murdoch's biggest mouthpiece in the country.

    I'm more surprised at they way they have actually pursued the Aus Govt and AWB over the wheat scandal. They're the only paper that has maintained interest.


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