Bits and Pieces

Who the fuck is Sam Brett and why must The Age expose us to her insufferable cliche-ridden tripe. Am I the only one with a burning desire to stab blunt knitting needles through her eyes? I mean seriously, "girls, hold on to your men" - FUCK OFF!

For the economic geeks out there, or for those who just enjoy some serious graphical representation, have a look at this awesome graph of the US budget. Just amazing.

Bookshelves made of random shapes that you can simply stick to your walls in any shape. I want them.

[last two things via Boing Boing]

UPDATE: Oooh, ooh. How on earth did I not notice that CC has joined the world of the interwebbers! Welcome.


  1. Dude! Are you from Syria?
    Those aren't RANDOM SHAPES, they're TANGRAMS. Did you miss Grade 4 or something? It's like educational tetris... you cut up a piece of square paper into a special set of shapes, and then try to re-form them into... er... other shapes. It's like two dimensional origami.
    PS - they're hott. i want them.

  2. Well maths and stuff was never my strong point, if THAT'S what you're getting at.

  3. Random shapes - like a kitten, and a man serving drinks whose hat has just fallen off.


  5. For someone such as myself, I'm far more accustomed to black and white, columns and rows. It was entertaining, but far too aesthetically frivolous for real geeks. Will that stop me from attempting to make it wallpaper? Probably not.

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