FRIV - Part the Seventh

It's time for Friday's Random Interweb Video! Hooray!!

But first...

Separated at birth?

Above is Beavis of Beavis and Butthead fame. Below is the Right Honourable Dr Brendan Nelson MP, Federal Defence Minister and Liberal Member for Bradfield as depicted in this morning's Age newspaper by Matt Golding.

The truly frightening thing is that neither of them seems capable of moving their faces above the mouth...

And on to today's videos.

This kid is four years old. Dude.

And if you haven't had the pleasure of meeting Borat before, or even if you have, here he is on Conan O'Brien.

Hee hee. This just in courtesy of Virginia.

OK, that was just getting annoying - I've taken the video off 'cos it keeps playing every time this blog gets loaded. If you want to get your kitten fix, go here.


  1. I know I am viewing your blog in IE (department software guidelines) and so it looks mental bags. But whats worse is that every time I refresh the page the audio on that cat massage video plays - often at very innapropriate moments.
    Doesn't stop it being funny though!


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