Vote 1 wom*n

Some of you may have had the pleasure of encountering Miranda Airey-Branson before. She gained some notoriety in the blogging world during the infamous Pandagate saga (and if you are not familiar, I highly recommend the read) and shortly thereafter was exposed as one of the charming Young Liberals who were accused of posing "as 'bogus Green campaign workers' on election day to trick Green supporters into voting Liberal" in Port Melbourne during the last federal election.

She is also noted for asking Andrew Bolt, during her time as Editor of Melbourne University's student newspaper Farrago, how it was that he managed to stay "attractive and conservative at the same time" and for having some interesting views on a whole range of things.

Well, you'll be pleased to know that Ms Airey-Branson is back in the political thick of things as a candidate for Women's Officer in the Melbourne University Student Union elections. As such, she has a couple of blurbs in Farrago outlining her policies.

This is her pitch for the office of Women's Officer:

"Hi, I'm Miranda Airey-Branson. The current office bearers are too corrupt to be in the students union. I'm sick of the Union treating me as belonging to a special disadvantaged group just because I'm a woman. Women don't need these ridiculous rules creating special positions for women for the reason that we are women.

Enough is enough, by electing me I will fight to break down these barriers perpetuating a belief that men are better than women. Join me in showing the world that women can beat men at anything when we are not being patronised by absurd anti-discrimination measures."

In other words, "elect me and I will scrap this position". Not the best way to get elected I would have thought. Nonetheless. She then goes on to give Melbourne University Students an idea of what the Women's Officer should really be aiming for:

"Hello my name is Miranda. My dream is to be just like Paris Hilton. She is truly a role model for young women all around the world. Paris has the confidence and the will to stand up for herself and for her rights - we all need to follow her example and step into the world knowing that we can do anything and nothing and no-one can prevent us from achieving every success."

That's right ladies, you need to stop being so put upon and be more like Paris.

Jelly, Virginia, Sophie, CC, Snooze and other readers sporting lady bits take note!

PS - You may be surprised to learn that Ms Airey-Branson was unsuccesful in her attempt to be elected, nor (unfortunately) did she get a spot on the Women's Committee.


  1. I would be more than happy to 'step into the world knowing that we can do anything and nothing and no-one can prevent us from achieving every success', just as long as I have the support of my multi billion dollar daddy to catch me when I fall/release another sex tape.



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