My blogging of late has been interrupted as I have become utterly obsessed with a show that I'm in. On the weekend, we (the cast) went down the coast for some concentrated rehearsal time. It was grouse.
Last year, the same thing happened, only then I was directing, not actually in it. At the time, Peter wrote about it and his post sums up exactly how I feel now.
So while I remain distracted in that gut-churning, off-with-the-fairies way, I'll just have to keep you entertained with fluff.
First of all, the heartiest of congratulations to The Audrey's on winning their very first ARIA last night for Best Blues and Roots Album. I've known Taasha and Tristan since they did the soundtrack to a short film I was in several years ago. They are exceedingly lovely and deserve every good thing that comes to them.
I was going to post some amusing items for people to chuckle at appreciatively, but freakin' Blogger's not letting me load images so youse'll just have to wait.
But wait! It's back up!
OK, so here is a pictorial representation of me at the end of this weekend:

And then me after recovery this afternoon:

And finally, this one is for the Redhead - for no particular reason other than it reminds me of her:

Ah cat photos. How I love thee.
Last year, the same thing happened, only then I was directing, not actually in it. At the time, Peter wrote about it and his post sums up exactly how I feel now.
Being in a play, a good one, anyway, with a good cast, is like falling in love.
In the early rehearsals, you're all getting to know each other. Did he really laugh at that? Does she always wear those clothes? Could there really be another person that into Stevie Wonder? All you know at that stage is that these people love the same thing you do - the rest is a mystery. But all it takes is one significant shared experience, say, a rehearsal weekend at a beach house, and that curious attraction turns into full-blown, first-day-of-spring, dancing-hand-in-hand-through-a-field-of-daisies romance.
So while I remain distracted in that gut-churning, off-with-the-fairies way, I'll just have to keep you entertained with fluff.
First of all, the heartiest of congratulations to The Audrey's on winning their very first ARIA last night for Best Blues and Roots Album. I've known Taasha and Tristan since they did the soundtrack to a short film I was in several years ago. They are exceedingly lovely and deserve every good thing that comes to them.
I was going to post some amusing items for people to chuckle at appreciatively, but freakin' Blogger's not letting me load images so youse'll just have to wait.
But wait! It's back up!
OK, so here is a pictorial representation of me at the end of this weekend:

And then me after recovery this afternoon:

And finally, this one is for the Redhead - for no particular reason other than it reminds me of her:

Ah cat photos. How I love thee.
Aw man, those last two are so cute! Damnit!