He's not racist, he's just a little bit emotional

A man who took part in the Cronulla riots last year was today sentenced to serve a year in jail for his actions.

Marcus Kapitza sounds like a lovely bloke who was in the wrong place at the wrong time...or something like that.

Today in court he said that he was a bit upset about the whole thing: "It has portrayed me as a racist, which I am not".


Not 100% sure it was the court case that has portrayed you as a racist there big fella. Don’t get me wrong, but MAYBE it was the singlet you made especially for the big event.

"Mohammed was a camel raping faggot"

What a quality piece of work you and all your fuckwit redneck Cronulla mates are.

I'm so glad we have you all to protect us from the those uncouth Muslims.


  1. I have only just discovered this blog about Marcus and I can truly say although yes he was involved I would not in any way call the man a redneck I know this man personally and although yes he's rough and tough he is one of the most fiercely loyal friends I have ever had and would give the shirt off his back to me if I asked for it-actually I have and he did.The man is misguided in some ways but go beyond the actions-there was more than just the one man in a racist shirt there.There was many more he is a passionate individual and highly creative so before you judge him again think about the facts I have just stated and see past all this.The Muslim community has rights like anyone else but at the time there was also an uproar about a war going on too-do you think that possibly racial attacks on an Australian life-saver may have driven people over the edge?Did you people forget that this was started by the Muslim guys harassing someone on the beach?It was an awful thing that happened but he was not the only person involved.

  2. Firstly his racism is appalling, regardless of how loyal he is as a 'friend'. For someone to make such derogatory remarks, aimed at an entire religious group, this alone is despicable.

    Moreover, for him to use this to incite such violence during the Cronulla riots, that is deplorable and he was justly punished to a year in prison.

    Finally even if the attack on the lifesaver was the catalyse that does not excuse the retaliation, which showed Australia at its worst.

    I question your choice in Marcus as a friend and hoped he has learned something behind bars.


  4. I realize that nothing is fair but I'm still trying. I just want to do my best and what is possible


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