I'm on ur blog readin' ur newz

Ok, so there's lots of stuff I just don't get on the interwebs. I've admitted before that I simply don't understand what the 'youngsters' are up to a lot of the time. But anyone who has spent any time wandering aimlessly through Myspace will almost certainly have come across these things.

Like I said, I don't really get it, but they're kind of wrong and amusing...

And just cos it's funny:



  1. That last bloke looks like my brother's father-in-law.

    I'm not really sure what to do with that information. Except to keep reminding myself that they don't have a cat, and he wouldn't know how to post a picture on an interweb.

  2. These are pure gold. I think that the quotation in the last one is a derivation of deliberatley grammatically incorrect geekspeak, originating from online gameplay.

    And am I the only one who is bothered by the fact that the cat in the final picture appears to be plugged in?

  3. You are more or less right, mike.

    "All your base are belong to us" is actually a genuine case of shocking translation, appearing in the late-80s Japanese video game Zero Wing. It was such an hilarious example of "Engrish" that it became something of an online phenomenon. Type the phrase into Wikipedia to get the full run-down.

    Oh God, I am such a geek.

  4. Jesus. This has plummeted into some serious geek territory.

    (I may or may not have done some searching for the origins of the images myself *cough*)

  5. Gee. That fluffy cat with the scary eyes gets around a bit. In the fridge and on that guy's back.

    Do you think he has an agent? Like that guy with the duck I read about in the Herald Sun this week.

  6. I believe it was from some online game where one nerd declared to another that "I'm in ur base, killing ur d00dz."

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