Oh the pain

I've been running for the last few months. Not away from anything necessarily - just around. You know, for the fitness and the like.

I go through periods of running.

It's a funny thing. I used to get incredibly bored just running around a park or somesuch, but once you've stuck at it, even for a couple of weeks, going for a run can be quite therapeutic. When it's a nice day outside, all I really want to do is go out and run around in it. It's like being eleven all over again. It makes me feel a bit like this.


Because of all this running, I've actually started developing some sort of muscle-type substance on my legs - I suspect it may in fact be muscle, but my sources are yet to be verified.

I have also recently started playing soccer during my lunchtimes. Jolly larks etc.

However, today I went out and with my first swipe at a passing ball, did something decidely unpleasant to the muscles on my right leg (the ones on the front on the top half). Being the exceedingly brave soul that I am, I continued on, attempting to 'run it out' as footballers seem so fond of doing. In the process, I've done something equally nasty to the muscles on my left leg (again on the top half, but this time on the back).

Quite frankly, I am distinctly unimpressed. It hurts!

I'm hoping that everything will be fine tomorrow when I bound out of bed in my usual spectacular way, but I suspect this may not be the case.

So what I want to know is this: How does one stop one's legs being hurty?

Over to you, fitness freaks!


  1. I recently did a similar injury washing my windows...Okay stop sniggering. There were a lot of windows. I swear!

    I belive you may have, what they call in the biz, a 'pulled muscle'.

    In my limited experience the traditional remedies Voltaren and Deep Heat will not work. Well, Deep Heat might work, but do you really want to smell like that?

    I recommend avoiding staircases for a couple of days and any kind of recreation physical exertion until the hurty goes.

  2. But I'm addicted cc!! Can't you see the conundrum!?

    Where will I get my mental happy puppy bouncingness if I can't get my fix??

    *shakes uncontrollably*

  3. tom. you are weak.
    Go down to the rooms for a cortisone shot and then get your sorry arse back on the field.
    We don't win games by whingeing/etc.

  4. Dear Tommy Nine, I believe I have the solution - no more running. Just like, no more hiking, bushwalking or camping (unless it'a the GOOD sort of camp - ie. sequins and jazz hands).

    In other news, I miss everyone already. Is it possible that we could sort out some sort of communal living arrangement which lasts forever?

  5. Dear Jelly,

    I see your point about the you-know, excercise and stuff, but unfortunately my hands are tied (in a distinctly non-musical theatre kind of way).

    In other news, I hear your pain. Why must we live ordinary lives? Curse those charming humans.


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