Will the GOP stop at nothing!!??

For those of you not sufficiently up with the coolsie political "lingo", the GOP is the US Republican Party (apparently stands for the Grand Old Party...WTFBBQ!?? etc).

Anyhoo, with voting in the mid-terms (almost?) complete, it seems that there's been some trouble with some of the polling booths.

Surprise sur-freakin-prise.

Fortunately, the folks at Wonkette seem to have discovered the cause.


*crosses fingers*

UPDATE: Early reports from CNN Exit Polls have the Democrats taking the Senate! Eek! COME ON!! [Via]

UPDATED UPDATE: Dems have the House. Three seats to come in for the Senate. If the Dems pick each of them up, they'll get both houses.

According to the NY Times:

Montana: 55% counted, Dems (51.5%), Reps (46.2%)
Missouri: 81% counted, Dems (48.8%), Reps (48.0%)
Virginia: 99.7% counted, Dems (49.5%), Reps (49.4%)


Why am I blogging this? Seriously. It's not like you can't look it up yourself and that it will be old news by the time I've finished typing it.

Let me have my Josh Lyman moment.


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