"The appreciation was all mine"

It is with something of a heavy heart that I return to this blog.

My absence over the last couple of weeks (as I'm sure you've gathered) was due to the show. In the last fortnight I have strengthened new friendships and rediscovered my love of acting. That it all ended so abruptly on Saturday night is difficult to handle - it leaves a void, a big hole that Christmas will (I'm sure) do it's best to fill.

Once again, our little theatre company has produced something quite extraordinary. We've been stretched to our absolute limits financially, mentally and physically. A production built for a massive professional theatre was poked and prodded into a tiny space and an even smaller budget with fantastic results.

The cast was/is simply magnificent. Not just astoundingly talented, but wonderful people - every one of them. I already miss them desperately.

Not to paint too rosy a picture. It was hard work. Every morning I would wake up feeling like I'd been physically beaten. Even taking afternoons away from work was not enough to stem the bone tiredness. A constant background hum of nerves accompanied me everywhere.

But that's why I love it. Mentally, socially, physically, every aspect of you is tested, pushed, stretched. It makes me feel like I'm really DOING something, that this is what I was built for.

There are so many thoughts and words whirling around my head that I can't possibly grab hold of them and line them up in a coherent post. So you will just have to bear with me until I calm down and equilibrium is restored.

Normal blogging will resume...eventually.

I have stories to tell, gold to deliver, but not today.

In the meantime, Merry Christmas to all.


  1. Merry Christmas, and hopefully your group gets another gig soon.

  2. In the musical Billy Elliot, Billy says about performing 'It makes you forget who you are and at the same time it makes you whole.’ *wub*

  3. Brilliant. We're stepping it up next year. You won't have a chance to draw breath for all the work you'll be doing.

  4. I LOVE fortyfivedownstairs. I am glad the show went well.

  5. Thanks everyone.

    It's been a massive couple of months - now for the sleeping and the eating and the drinking.

    Peter - as for stepping it up next year, in the words of that incredibly twee ABC radio cricket promo, bring it [eventually] on.

  6. am I wrong, or does the hoff look just a little bit like bootha? come on... just a little bit?

  7. Great post you shared, you have now become top of my list. You were unknown to me before but have found your content to be fantastic.

    So great work for informing us of the possibilities and following a certain path.

    I really appreciate your hard work an giving us some information and inspiring others to follow.

    Thanks so much.

    I hope for more post in the future.



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