Alexander Downer is a contemptible prick

That may come as a shock to some of you I realise, but not only does his smug private schoolboy voice make me want to smack him in his soft and spongey face, he has a habit of saying things that are so enraging that I...I...just can't even...

Needless to say, I was pretty much floored this morning listening to an interview recorded with Downer on ABC radio. In it, he assured the Australian public that David Hicks was just fine and that there was "no suggestion that he was suffering from mental illness".

If you haven't been keeping up, Terry Hicks, David's father, has recently been deeply concerned that David's mental health has significantly deteriorated in the last several months. It is a concern that seems to have been confirmed when David refused to take a phone call from his family at Christmas (an event that had taken months of arranging). They have had no contact with him since mid-2006.

So it must be a great comfort to be told by that simpering fuck-knuckle Downer that David is, in actual fact, just dandy.

And how does Dolly know this?

Because somebody told him. That's right.

Humanity: Oh, fair enough Alex. Was this a Psychologist?

Dolly: ...

Humanity: Some sort of impartial observer?

Dolly: ...

Humanity: An Australian official at least?

No, apparently, this "source" that Downer is flinging about as evidence that an Australian citizen who has been held more-or-less in isolation for five years without charge is not going insane, is not someone who can just be identified (duh), except to say that it is "a person" who comes from "another country" and that apparently David Hicks had agreed to the meeting.

But that's not the worst of it. I'll just let his words do the, well, talking:

*adopts best mincing voice*

There was no suggestion that he was suffering from mental illness, though no doubt he doesn't like being in Guantanamo Bay but that would, I suppose, be a definition of mental illness.

No, I don't imagine he LIKES being in Guantanamo either. But really, that's hardly grounds for mental illness is it... (!!?)

When asked about the dubious nature of this unidentified source, quoth he:

I'm not asking you to rely on it or not rely on it. I'm just letting you know what observation was made and you can take it or leave it.

I'm just going to, you know, say it and get it out there. I'm not asking you to BELIEVE me. Ha! Why would anyone take anything I ever say even remotely seriously. Silly sausages. Believe me, well I never *chuckles*.

The Australian Government's handling of David Hicks is simply disgraceful. That this smirking toad of a man can imply that really all that's wrong with Hicks is that he "doesn't like being in Guantanamo" and that he has been treated perfectly fairly, is repugnant.

I hope Downer enjoys the rest of his jaunt around New York. Gosh, it must be tough being him. Let's just hope he gets home OK and can enlighten us with further brilliant snippets from the annals of "things his friends have said to him".

I can't wait!

Arse hat.


  1. ok, he's a blot on landscape, so what.

    did you vote in the last election? i didn't. i figure supporting any pollie legitimizes whoever wins. by voting for beazley, you say howard is legal master of australia. since both are pollies, choosing one is choosing both, really.

    instead, i vote for rule by the people. i write "democracy = cir " on the ballot, that's all.

    it's the only substantive action i can take, if 100,000 more did the same, we would have democracy, and hicks would be in oz.

    unfortunately, people like you no matter how angry you say you are just whinge, never act.

  2. Um...ok Anon.

    It's quite the revolution you've got going there. Let us know how you go with that.

    Good to see that "people like you" just act and never whinge.

  3. Tom, it seems you're not the only one who feels this way:

    Anonymous, how exactly would masses of people opting out of the political process create a democracy and bring back Hicks?

    If you're going to argue that true democracies should give their citizens the right to choose not to vote, that's one line of thinking.

    But I don't see how that would push a government elected by people who DO vote to retrive Hicks from US custody.

    Surely if you feel strongly on an issue, you have a moral obligation and civic duty to vote against the government of the day, and apply pressure to local members to change a policy.

    I don't see how opting out and deliberately removing your voice from the public arena can achieve anything, and I certaintly don't see what makes the (in)action substantive.

    It would of course, make election days a lot easier.

  4. Fluffy and Anonymous #2 - your comments were so good, they made me a little hot for you both, truth be told. Mm!

  5. Anonymous #2 = Mike. Must remember to check the identity field more carefully.


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