At last!

It makes my heart swell with pride when friends of mine do extraordinary things. Sophie is not only an author of some note, but has recently turned her hand to nature photography with quite stunning results. I've been pestering her to post this for some time and now she has.

So I insist you visit her site immediately, grab a comfy chair, settle back and marvel at her spectacular footage of the truly magnificent sea eagle.


  1. I believe that I also have a certain... ahem... raw talent in the art of film making. Perhaps you would care to post on Itemisation my magnum opus, "Unintended Footage of Roadsign and Service Station in Slapout, Oklahoma". I believe it shares with Sophie's work a willingness to explode the rigid notion that something has to "happen" for a film to be a masterwork.

  2. I think it's possible I have a certain raw talent in the art of not-film-making? I practice the skill daily, and am getting rather good at this stage. For example, I haven't made a single film in at least eight years (a personal best).


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