An open letter to the neighbourhood racist

Dear Fuckstick,

Last night, you chose to wake up the neighbourhood by racially abusing the taxi driver who brought you home, pissed out of your brain, at 3 o'clock in the morning. As enjoyable as you seem to find the exercise, I don't appreciate (nor does the rest of the street) being woken up by redneck cockheads like you.

Though you certainly have a way with words and a persuasive turn of phrase: "why don't you learn fucken English!? Have some fucken respect for this country mate! I don't wanna go to your fucken country! Have some fucken respect" etc, I would be more impressed if this wasn't the second time in a month that exactly the same thing has happened.

Last time, you took the particularly charming tack of calling the taxi driver a "curry muncher" and by thoughtfully informing him that it was people like him who gave "his people" a "bad name".

I congratulate you for your bravery - picking on taxi drivers unable to fight back as they are technically "at work", selecting those with a poor grasp of English, waiting until you get home before sparking up and then running into your house after they have already delivered you for a minimal fee. I applaud your eloquence: "why don't you fuck off back to your own country" and I am glad, so very glad that it is people like you who many new immigrants get to encounter at least every now and then.

Here's a news flash for you Fucktard, abusing someone for "not having respect for this country" and in the very same breath telling them that you don't want to go to their "fucken country" is so disastrously ironic that it actually leaves me speechless.

You, my friend, neighbour, brother in citizenship, I despise. I wish nothing for you but misery and a long, unfulfilling life.

Oh and while you're at it, fuck off out of our street.

Yrs etc.



  1. Au contraire - I would like to congratulate you for bravely penning this missive to the ether.


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