Howard's devastating troop surge to solve problems in Iraq

In a bold response to Barack Obama's challenge to send another 20,000 Australian troops to fight in Iraq, John Howard and Brendan Nelson yesterday announced a move that will surely strike fear into the hearts of the previously emboldened terrorists in Iraq.

As Howard himself said in 2004, "It [Iraq] is a test of values - whether the powerful call for freedom can overcome the destructive force of terror".

In keeping with these grand statements on the clash of civilisations and his well-earned monika of the "Man of Steel", John Howard will commit UP TO 70 MORE NON-COMBAT PERSONNEL TO THE WAR ON TERROR!!

Osama Bin Laden must be LITERALLY quaking in his boots.

What a decisive and devastating move from a master tactician! This will fool people into thinking he's doing something about solve the problems in Iraq. I'm particularly fond of the wording: up to 70 more personnel. They're not even committing to 70, just any number between 0 and 70 - could be 50, could be 5 - either way IT'S STILL UP TO 70!

In other news, the newly appointed Minister for Trying To Excuse The Governments Appalling Record on Climate Change, Malcolm Turnbull announced a devastating move of his own. Australia will decisively fight Greenhouse gas emissions by completely phasing out conventional light globes over the next 2 to 3 years.

According to The Age, "lighting represents about 12 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions from households in Australia", so reducing these by any amount is surely a step in the right direction - but is this really about trying to reduce greenhouse emissions or is actually just a stunt? Take a look at the transcript from this morning's edition of AM on ABC radio and decide for yourself:

EMMA ALBERICI: Lighting is said to represent about 25 per cent of commercial sector greenhouse gas emissions, what about all the businesses around the country that leave their lights on at night? Will you consider fining them?

MALCOLM TURNBULL: No, I don't think that we're likely to be doing that.


MALCOLM TURNBULL: Well Emma, I think you've got to look at measures that are, that are effective, and ultimately you know, you say you want to fine a business with its lights on. How do you know when you see the lights on in a business, how do you know whether the floor is empty, whether there are people working there, whether there are cleaners working there?


Um...sure. How do you know... if people are working... or not...

Good point Malcolm, well made.

You have to feel sorry for the man. He has the hardest job in the Federal Government at the moment and he doesn't do too badly considering the material he has to work with, but seriously.


  1. Re Iraq, Michelle Grattan has a theory about the political motive for Howard's move.

    Basically, she's suggesting that she's forcing Rudd to appear more and more anti-Iraqi rather than just anti-the-war-in-Iraq.


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