Kerry gets one back

For the first time in many years it's actually kind of fun to be a Lefty. Many of the appalling decisions that have been made on the wave of neoconservativism are starting to bite the hands that delivered them.

When John Kerry was defeated by George W in the 2004 US Federal elections, there was a level of despair among those who thought that we were seeing the end of the Bush White House. It was heartbreaking not just because "our side" had lost, but the way the loss came about.

Readers may remember a particularly charming group that formed during the campaign called the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth". A selling point for the Democrats was that John Kerry was a legitimate Vietnam War hero, having been decorated for his service in the swift boats - and an obvious counter to George W's own dubious miltary service.

SBVT took it upon themselves to viciously smear Kerry, accusing him of fabricating and exaggerating stories of his service in Vietnam to bolster his own image. Hiding under Section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code, SBVT were able to publish a book and run television and print advertisments denouncing Kerry without being subject to the Federal Election Commission laws that would otherwise have prevented it.

Skip to February 2007. The President's nominee for the post of US Ambassodor to Belgium appears before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to be essentially interviewed for the position. The nominee is Sam Fox, a Republican and benefactor of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth who contributed US$50,000 to the group during the 2004 election. On the Senate Committee is none other than John Kerry.

A beautiful comeuppance.

You should read the full transcript here [link], or watch the footage here [link].

But here is a brief sample:

Kerry: So, again, I ask you the question, do you think now that you and others bear responsibility for thinking about where we put money in American politics? What we're saying, what we present to the American people -- is truth important or isn’t it?

Fox: Senator, if I had reason to believe and if I were convinced that the money was going to be used to, in any untruthful or false way, knowingly, I would not give.

Kerry: Well, sir, let me ask you this question: Did you or did you not in any of the public comments being made at the time, which I assume you were following, hear or read of any of the public statements at that point in time, with respect to the legitimacy of these charges and these smears?

Fox: Mr. Senator, I can say this…

Kerry: Did you miss this: In September of 2004, Vice Admiral Ruth, with the Navy Inspector General, wrote a letter to the Secretary of the Navy that was made public -- the New York Times, the Washington Post, every major newspaper in the country carried, saying their examination found that the existing documentation regarding my medals was legitimate.

Did you miss that too?

Fox: I don’t remember those, but I'm certain at the time I must have read them.

Kerry: Do you think this should matter to me?

Fox: I'm sorry?

Kerry: Do you think this should matter to me?

Fox: Yes, I do.

Kerry: Do you think this should matter to everyone here, as a Senator?

Fox: Absolutely. As a matter of fact, going back to the time when I said I was on record and was interviewed a number of times about campaign finance reform and about less money going in, I said one of the big reasons was not just the nastiness and so forth associated with it, but the abuse the candidates had to take to run for public office, I think it's disgraceful, I think it's terrible.

It could be a fun few months.


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