A very folkie weekend

So on the weekend, I lurched into my fourth decade.

The last few days have been spent with my dearest friends in the largely loving arms of the Port Fairy Folk Festival.

Heading down to stay in Airey's Inlet on Wednesday last week, we arrived at Port Fairy at lunchtime on Thursday and staked out a big spot in anticipation of the 20 or so people and 7 or 8 tents that were still to come.

As anyone who has ever camped at the Port Fairy Folk Festival will be able to testify, this is no mean feat. By the Saturday morning the campsite is so full that tents get parked in the most precarious of places. New arrivals stalk the camping area searching desperately for the smallest plot to plonk their shelter and we had to work hard to keep the space for friends arriving on Friday night.

Nonetheless, success was had.

There were many highlights of the weekend, but among the more amusing had to be seeing Lior get almost pulled off the stage by drunk 14 year-old girls, a very boozed and very dear friend and diminutive lady blogger (who will most definitely remain nameless but who will likely kill me for writing this regardless) punching someone in the back on the dance floor without the punchee registering the hit and then another friend following her lead, being sprung by the punchee's companion before contact had been made, and then pretending to look for something lost on the ground to escape recriminations.

For five minutes.

Did I mention the punchee was also a drunk 14 year-old girl?


I saw many worthy acts including these people, this person, this person, these guys, that chick and numerous others, was wished happy birthday by Luka Bloom, swam in the sea, got quite sunburnt, drunk and tired, ate a lot of sausages, laughed a lot and had Happy Birthday sung to me by about 200 people on Fiddler's Green.

All in all, a pretty righteous birthday (in the non-Godly sense of the word).

And to cap it all off I was given the most awesomest birthday present evs. It is, in a word, fuckenunreal. Expect to see many more photgraphics appearing shortly.

So what with a weekend like that, time off work, presents, booze, sun, sea, wind, music, friends, John Howard sinking ever further in the polls and a trip to exotic locales in the very near furture, 30 is looking pretty bloody good right now.


  1. Fourth decade! And OMG, you should check out Lior's forums. *shrieks girlishly*

  2. A very happy birthday to thee, Sir Tom!

  3. I can't believe you think I'd be cross that you wrote about it. On the contrary mon cher Oncle, I will proudly own my efforts that night. Or, I would if I could remember them.

    I was obviously doing my bit to save the world from the scourge of teenage spankettes that were running feral that weekend. At least when I was that age I had the good grace to expend my maudlin introspective angst in the drama studio, or by staying home and repeatedly watching 'X-Files' tapes. A pox on them all.

  4. I know there will be many difficulties and challenges but I am determined to do it. If it does not succeed then it will be a lesson for me as well


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