Can't say I'm surprised

About this.

Could it be cricket's Escobar?

This on the other hand...

Talk to anyone who knows anything about the speed of the interwebs in this country and you'll discover that we are rapidly becoming a stagnant backwater in things technological. With no plan whatsoever to rectify this situation coming from the surplus-obsessed Liberals, could it be that the "Future Fund" may actually be turned to something useful under KRudd?

I like the cut of his item.


  1. While I too like the cut of Said Man's Item, there are some concerns with policy execution voiced in nerdly detail here.

    Here's hoping that what we're hearing about now is the rough idea, and that in the weeks to come it will become a carefully calibrated, effective piece of public policy, rather than an attempt to simply put a big number on a pledge to weave more interwebs.

  2. You know, I want super-high-speed broadband more than anybody on earth, but one of the things that always bugs me about policies like this is the little '98%' thing. The remaining 2%, since it's based on population rather than landmass, is probably equivalent to one billion square kilometres* of Australian, and therefore doesn't help to achieve the connectivity utopia that I dream of. I want broadband to be first class for everybody, not just us city-dwellers. Otherwise it's no fun at all.

    * not a scientific estimate


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