
This is unreal!

Gizoogle any webpage you like, sit back and enjoy the results.

Here is Itemisation Gizoogled

"I reckon it M-to-tha-izzight have sum-m sum-m ta do wit tha alcohol escap'n whizzay tha bottle was opened allow'n tha wizzle inside ta freeze rapidly - but that's pizzy poorly-educated speculizzles."


  1. This thing is gold!

    Hello gizoogle, goodbye productive day's work.

    Would it be unethical to quote folks in the newsmedia through this filter?

    Keating on Costello:
    "He has now been Treasura fo` 11 years. The old coconut is stizzay there Araldited ta tha seat with my hoes on my side, and my strap on my back. The Treasura works on tha smart quips, but wizzy it comes ta star'n dizzay tha Prime Motherfucka in his office he always leaves disappointed . Drop it like its hot. He wanna be gangsta gets tha sword out."

    ANZ Chief Economist Saul Eslake on the likelihood of an interest rate hike:

    "You're unlikely ta see interest rates come diznown miznuch, if at all, over tha nizzle two years n (they) certainly wizzay remain above wizzle tha Reserve Bizzle regards as tha neutral level of two-and-izzles per cent."


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