
Over the last few weeks, traffic to this blog has increased fivefold. I thought at first that my witty textual stylings were bringing in the fanz, but I suspect it might be something else. Recently the most commonly visited post has been this one.

I suspect someone on the interwebs with a bigger fan base than me has linked to it or somesuch.

Well it's a good thing, because according to a reliable anonymous commenter, I didn't actually create that image after all (and here I was thinking I had):

LOL loser you didnt make that, trust me i know who did. hes from facepunch

I guess I just imagined I'd done it. Thanks for clearing that up fuckface.


  1. You gotta love back-commenting teenagers. They repeatedly crop up on my ancient Idol posts, thinking I'm actually Casey Donovan.

    Hee re. Nemo. I always loved that picture, and meant to link to it, but I must have forgotten or been distracted by a passing moment of insanity. Glad to know someone has brought it to the attention of the 'terwebs.


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