And God said "Let There Be FRIV"

If you've been keeping up with the news - and I know you all have been - you've probably heard about this new " Creation Museum " that's opened in the US. If you haven't, well, this is a brand new US$27 million, state of the art Fundamentalist Christian propaganda device that represents the book of Genesis as the literal truth, complete with Adam and Eve playing with dinosaurs and cuddling lambs. Now I have all sorts of issues with this (not the least of which is the fact that the guy who runs the thing is a freakin' Australian), but there are many other people who have written about it far more cogently than I could hope to. By all reports, it is jam-packed with the sort of bizarre pseudo-science that makes the vaguely intelligent shudder and the less-than-clever think they might be onto something. I'm particularly fond of the well-muscled Adam and waif-like Eve as seen in this picture. [ Link ] Does anyone else think Eve looks like a Gelfling? And...