It could be really could

Have you read the Phillip Pullman 'His Dark Materials' Trilogy?

If so, isn't it unreal? If not - WHAT ARE YOU THINKING - get ye to a library/book-selling emporium immediately!

I'm actually serious. It may be pitched as young adult fiction (even though there are many who think this is not the case), but (at the risk of being howled down) it is honestly one of the most beautifully created fantasy worlds since the Lord of the Rings - and I don't even LIKE fantasy.

This mildly hysterical outburst has been brought to you by the fact that the books have been turned into films and the first official trailer for the first film "The Golden Compass" has JUST been released.

Quietly - I'm excited. Really very excited. Some may even say pumped.

Now I try to keep these things a little under wraps. The last film I got this excited about was Happy Feet and that let me down in any number of ways, but this one has real promise. Starring an unknown young actor as the principal protaganist Lyra (Dakota Blue Richards - sounds more like a show name for a pedigree dog than a young girl, but still), the film includes notable performers such as Daniel Craig, Nicole Kidman, Eva Green and Sam Elliott and with the screenplay adaptation from Pullman novels by none other than Tom Stoppard, it could be ace.

See the first official trailer here. Wheee!!


  1. the young adult fiction editor who live with youMay 24, 2007 at 11:43 PM

    I want to watch it NOW.

    Just one quibble. I think you meant "it is pitched as young adult fiction AND is one of the most beautiful etc..." not "it is pitched as young adult fiction BUT is one of the most beautiful etc..."

  2. I discussed this last night with friends and liquor.

    Our consensus was: "They are going to fuck up the daemons." And I fear it will be true. Can you see Pantalaimon in that poster?

    Also, I heard they kicked Stoppard off the script adaptation team because he wanted to take it in dark (read: unpalatable to American fundie Christians) directions.

  3. Mel, I really hope you're wrong, but I understand the concerns - particularly the business with Stoppard - was unaware that had taken place.

    As far as the daemons go, I think anyone who tries to represent them visually is going to have a hard time. They are by definition unique and intensely personal. As soon as they exist on screen they'll be a disappointment - but I'm willing to let them have a go. Virginia has been pawing (so to speak) over the HD trailer and reckons the daemons might actually be good. We can but hope.

  4. i'm with that nice girl you live with.


    is a too-oft overused word in relation to YA.

    a better way:

    it is pitched as young adult fiction SO IT IS NOT AT ALL SURPRISING it is one of the most beautiful etc...

    I think they'll fuck up the religion. ie. leave it out.

  5. Lilli, and TYAFEWLWY,

    I knew I'd get in trouble for that.

    What I was TRYING to say (not very clearly obviously) is that those (adults) who are not regular readers (or writers) of young adult fiction, generally consider it a genre that is no longer of particular relevance to them. Consequently, your average adult reader will automatically assume a YA book to be something less in complexity than adult fiction.

    Again, I realise I'm running the risk of being frowned at, but the 'but' is aimed at those who have forgotten how good young adult fiction can be - my point being that it is not at all a 'lesser form' of writing.

    Lilli, I agree that they'll probably fuck up the religion stuff - I'm not expecting it to be perfect, but I'm still excited...


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