And God said "Let There Be FRIV"

If you've been keeping up with the news - and I know you all have been - you've probably heard about this new "Creation Museum" that's opened in the US. If you haven't, well, this is a brand new US$27 million, state of the art Fundamentalist Christian propaganda device that represents the book of Genesis as the literal truth, complete with Adam and Eve playing with dinosaurs and cuddling lambs.

Now I have all sorts of issues with this (not the least of which is the fact that the guy who runs the thing is a freakin' Australian), but there are many other people who have written about it far more cogently than I could hope to. By all reports, it is jam-packed with the sort of bizarre pseudo-science that makes the vaguely intelligent shudder and the less-than-clever think they might be onto something.

I'm particularly fond of the well-muscled Adam and waif-like Eve as seen in this picture.

Does anyone else think Eve looks like a Gelfling?

And here they are sans water (that blows any nudie-bits fantasies out of the water - so to speak).

Still. The whole thing is utterly ridiculous. Read more about it here. And who better to make my point for me and to usher back the first Friday Random Interweb Video for, well, AGES, but Ricky Gervais.

Happy Friday team!


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