Play among your selves

Apologies for the lack of entertainment of late (though I suspect I only have two readers left) I have been seriously under the hammer at work.

Just dropped by to say that this is a fucking disgrace. Sorry for the swears (I'm reliably informed I use too many naughty words on this here blog), but if anything deserves it, it's Kevin "I-know-better-than-the-magistrate" Andrews. Not to be outdone though, the freaking Labor Party has decided to support it. Seriously...

There's so much I don't have time to write about just now.

Le Tour - the drama, the agony - poor Michael Rogers, poor Stuart O'Grady, poor Robbie McEwen. Go Cadel!

The polls - Woot!

The Hawks (and grudgingly the Pussies) - Wow.


  1. I was particularly fond of this little gem, from the Andrews/Haneef article:

    Mr Andrews said the matter of the visa cancellation was unrelated to whether Haneef received a fair trial.

    "This is unrelated to the question of proceedings in the criminal court in Brisbane," the minister said.

    Yes, minister.

  2. Kevin Andrews on the news this afternoon: it doesn't matter if he's convicted or not, we're deporting him anyway. He's a prick of a man. Can we deport him regardless of the result of the election in November?

  3. Do you think all your readers are ladeez? I do.

  4. Yes, I suspect as much. Though given the particular sample group of ladee readers in evidence here, I'm surprised there's not more excitement about Le Tour and our Cadel...


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