
No more Bracksy?

Didn't see that coming...

UPDATE: WTFBBQ!!??? Thwaites as well?? Are they from Syria?

Could this be Brumby's Steven Bradbury moment?


  1. I know!

    who is going to say LIBARIAN now???

  2. Ha!

    I wonder who we'll get now. Pretty-boy in budgie smugglers Thwaitesy? or lego-haired straight man Brumby-y?

    I'm pretty sure it was all a cunning Labor scheme to distract people from John Howard's housing plan.

  3. It will without doubt be Brumby, I fancy. Bracksy practically anointed him in his press conference.

    His nickname, my public service colleagues assure me, is JB.

  4. Yeah, I think Bracksy sealed Thwaitesy's fate when he said, "And Brumby's really awesome I'll totes be voting for him". So Thwaitesy went to himself, "Today is a good day to die (politically)."


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