
So, this blog business is going pretty well right now hey?

Things are busy. Very busy.

I've had an odd sense of apprehension hanging over me for the past weeks. There are a number of things that may be responsible for it: the approach of the football finals and my team's dismal showing yesterday; the fact that I have to have a chunk of my skin cut out because it doesn't agree with my doctor*; the inexorable march towards the event that will shape ours as a nation of either fuckwits or comrades; my Grandmother being taken to emergency during the week, dangerously unwell with the flu attacking her already mesothelioma-filled lungs; an increasingly dark cloud hovering over my place of work; the brilliant yet oddly unsettling moods of the early samples from my sister's new album; my highly developed penchant for over-dramatisation; an unexplainably stubborn refusal to sign up to Facebook. Who knows, it could be anything.

A couple of things I am enjoying right now are the convincingly optimistic writings of this character, particularly his confident predictions that Howard won't just lose the election, but will be crushed like a bug in the process. The Wire is yet another astonishingly good TV series from the folks at HBO, and Flight of the Conchords continues to be hi-larious. I had an extremely pleasant weekend away recently with these people, and had a lovely dinner with this particular set of charming lads and lasses.

So here's hoping this sense of impending doom is nothing but late-winter weirdness and that the next couple of weeks brings nothing but ace-ness. Here's hoping...

LOL x heaps!

*don't worry Jelly, it's not as bad as it sounds


  1. Jeez Tom, this all sounds shit. Of course, I'm just the teensiest bit relieved about the footballing aspect, but I've just been reliably informed that North Melbourne will beat Geelong this weekend, so maybe I shouldn't be.

    Piece of your skin? Bad. Grandma? Bad. Hugs.


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