"The Heart of the Nation"

Ooh, the Australian is really warming to it's election campaign task today.

In their rotating commentary headlines at the top of the page we have:

"The Rorts of Chairman Rudd" by "Jack the Insider". An Hil-AR-ious piece about Kevin Rudd being an admirer of China (hence a Communist).

Includes such pithy remarks as:

"The Kruddster spoke in Mandarin to Chinese Premier Hu Jintao but it’s never been clearly reported in the media what he actually said. The Kruddster was trying to welcome Premier Hu to Australia. The Kruddster got through that bit. It was only when he tried to wish Premier Hu a long and prosperous life that things went awry. If my Mandarin is anything to go by, the Kruddtser professed a deep admiration for Hu’s lower colon and wished that his children be covered in hair."

Oh stop it you wag! You're killing me with your wit! Kruddster! ROFLMAO!!

"Labor sees the light on next Kyoto phase" by that terribly well balanced Editor-at-Large Paul Kelly.

"Having spent 10 years of worship at the symbolic altar of Kyoto, Labor is suddenly selling a very different message. It is the opposite message: Kyoto has become conditional. Its sanctification is coming to an end."

"Activist Judiciary a looming menace" by the delightful Janet Albrechtson about how the female (!!) lawyers in the Labor Party threaten our future!!

"FRANKLY, there may be more to fear from Labor’s lady lawyers than from the union blokes who run the Labor Party. Astute Labor lawyers in a future Rudd government, women such as Julia Gillard, Nicola Roxon and Penny Wong, will surely have their eyes on the real prize: leaving a legacy that will outlast a term or two in government. That legacy may be an activist judiciary. A Rudd government may come and go, but the judges it appoints are there to stay."


"Kevin feels the heat over Kyoto" by Dennis "Psepho" Shanahan. Seriously - another one? Do these guys think to compare notes at the start of the day?

"Labor’s attachment to the symbolism, and not the substance, of the Kyoto Protocol has been exposed, as has the party’s appreciation of where the international debate, and politics of, climate change is going."

What a disgraceful rag the Australian has become. If they barracked any harder or more obviously - well, I don't actually think they could.

Good on you guys. You keep pushing that barrow!


  1. Did she really say "lady lawyers"? Surely not. Surely you are mistaken? Please...

  2. Well, you have to give her points for alliteration: "Labor's lady lawyers".

    John Birmingham's on the money - the Right is HEAPS funnier than the Left! Or is your sense of humour too "crippled" by "political correctness" to see what a comedic genius the woman is?


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