Pell solves climate change, is brilliant
It's good to know that the Climate Change debate has been resolved thanks to the staggering scientific brilliance of Cardinal George Pell.
He then backed up that startingly insightful comment with this gem, demonstrating that not only is he in touch with the Big Fella Upstairs, but that he has "studied this a little bit" (!!!!):
Take THAT you filthy conspiracy theorists! Cower before him you so-called Climatologists! George Pell, as a layman (no less!), studies the scientific evidence rather than the press releases (?) !!! That's the last time you scare-mongering 'experts' will suggest we humans have something to do with global warming because you read it in a press release!!

Well done George Pell. Well done indeed.Muppet
I think I read somewhere the temperature has gone up 0.5 of a degree on Mars. Well, the industrial-military complex up on Mars can't be blamed for that.
He then backed up that startingly insightful comment with this gem, demonstrating that not only is he in touch with the Big Fella Upstairs, but that he has "studied this a little bit" (!!!!):
I have studied this a little bit and there's a whole history of differing estimates. Thirty or 40 years ago, actually, some of the same scientists were warning us about the dangers of an ice age, so I take all these things with a little bit of a grain of salt. They're matters for science and, as a layman, I study the scientific evidence rather than the press releases.
Take THAT you filthy conspiracy theorists! Cower before him you so-called Climatologists! George Pell, as a layman (no less!), studies the scientific evidence rather than the press releases (?) !!! That's the last time you scare-mongering 'experts' will suggest we humans have something to do with global warming because you read it in a press release!!

Well done George Pell. Well done indeed.
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