2 More Sleeps!!1!!!

This is actually fun.

I am actually enjoying myself.

However, for those of you not wishing to be complacent, take a walk down memory lane courtesy of Antony Green and the ABC Election website. Nothing will make you pull your head in faster than watching "highlights" from the last four election campaigns.

In other news, Jackie Kelly, are you for serious?!

CHRIS UHLMANN: Was your husband involved in the distribution of this pamphlet?

JACKIE KELLY: Well, I've read the alleged pamphlet and when I first read it I had to laugh because I think everyone who reads it has their first instinct is to laugh, pretty much everyone who's read chuckles in terms of the parody it does make of various things that have happened during the campaign.

So my view is that it's a bit of Chaser-style prank that an ALP goon squad, which I understand was is led by some unionists, have chased down and hunted down and tried to intimidate and I understand there was even a fight, so yes, I think it was all a very…

CHRIS UHLMANN: But just to establish it, your husband and two colleagues were handing out this pamphlet?

JACKIE KELLY: Well, my understanding is they were letterboxing…

CHRIS UHLMANN: This pamphlet?

JACKIE KELLY: Well, I don't know. Well, I don't know, allegedly. Allegedly.

CHRIS UHLMANN: And this pamphlet says it comes from an Islamic organisation that doesn't exist? It says the ALP wants the Bali bombers forgiven and supports the construction of a mosque in western Sydney. What's funny about that?

If you want to see this defence from Kelly getting the treatment it deserves, watch this reaction from Laurie Oakes on Channel 9 this morning (about half way through the video at the top). I couldn't agree more.

And how's this for a set of numbers?? Primary vote figures: Coalition 40% ALP 47% with TPP: Coalition 45% to ALP 55%. Blessed be the cheesemakers!!

And just cos I find him hi-larious, let me leave you with some beautiful election-summing-up cartoons from First Dog on The Moon. Click for bigger.


  1. Now I KNOW there were two polls and that one of them was VERY positive... BUT... Galaxy was the most accurate last election (despite Possum highlighting its shortcomings...) I am worried once more.

    In other news... I have been published (sort of) go here:


    and click on the picture of my head.

  2. Tidy work on the BBC front!

    Re: the new polls. Yes, the Galaxy thing has spooked me a little, but as a commenter on Possum noted, ACN is consistently within 1.5% of the final TPP. It's generally considered that Galaxy's result from 2004 was something of a fluke.

    The Margin of Error in the most recent ACN is 2% with a headline TPP of 57%. Let's say that actual poll result is at the bottom end of the MoE (55-56%). For Labor to even be troubled, the ACN poll would have to be ~4% off the final TPP! That's a considerable error.

    Still...it makes me nervous too. Why can't they all just agree. Gah!

  3. That's hot / grown-up / slick pic of you Hugh. Not that you don't always look suave, but that's a good'un.

  4. thanks for your kind words, folks...

    yes you are correct that in all likelihood this poll is wrong, but still... it makes me nervous in that it isn't saying 100% tpp to Labor... (and I am aware it was conducted pre- lindsaygate)

    I just want not to die inside if Howard gets over the line.

  5. I hate to say it Hugh, but if Howard gets over the line, we're ALL going to die inside - even the Howard voters (they just may not be aware of it).

  6. this goes some way to placating me:


  7. Jim Middleton on the ABC election website on Galaxy:

    "However, there's something odd about Galaxy too. According to its latest effort, Family First is suddenly polling two and a half percent and that accounts for all of the fall in Labor's primary vote." - Ok, that makes no sense. I find it extremely difficult to believe that those who were considering a vote for the ALP have suddenly decided to vote Family First...

    And the Newspoll currently underway - the last of the campaign - to be released tomorrow:

    "incomplete polling pointed to a swing back with strong gains for the coalition in Western Australia with minor recoveries in Victoria and Queensland. That points to an outcome slightly tighter than the 54 - 46 outcome of its poll last weekend."

    Can't someone just tell us the freakin' answer!!!??

  8. 4pm is when Newspoll comes out... This will ACTUALLY KILL ME IF IT REALLY IS BAD.....


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