
Showing posts from July, 2007

Some drugly thoughts

I haven't blogged about the Tour de France as much as I threatened to (highly amusing LOLcats aside). Not because I haven't been enthralled (that's right - enthralled), just because I haven't had time. In my previous post I mentioned that despite the rumours of drugs, the Tour de France "remains one of the great bastions of sportsmanship". With the drug-related fall of three of the main contenders in short succession, including the yellow jersey holder, many are saying that the race is not worthy of attention - there have even been suggestions it be pulled off air. But I stand by my previous comment. There has been an enormous (and justified) uproar over the revelations of drug use among the sports biggest names, but I don't think that gives a sports writer like Greg Baum , whose principal interest is AFL (FFS!), the right to dismiss the entire event. Dare I suggest it, but anyone who says that completing a Tour is any less of an achievement because s


No more Bracksy? Didn't see that coming... UPDATE: WTFBBQ!!??? Thwaites as well?? Are they from Syria? Could this be Brumby's Steven Bradbury moment?

Cadel Evans recounts the mountain stage he just completed

Courtesy of Snooze.

Play among your selves

Apologies for the lack of entertainment of late (though I suspect I only have two readers left) I have been seriously under the hammer at work. Just dropped by to say that this is a fucking disgrace. Sorry for the swears (I'm reliably informed I use too many naughty words on this here blog), but if anything deserves it, it's Kevin "I-know-better-than-the-magistrate" Andrews. Not to be outdone though, the freaking Labor Party has decided to support it. Seriously... There's so much I don't have time to write about just now. Le Tour - the drama, the agony - poor Michael Rogers , poor Stuart O'Grady , poor Robbie McEwen . Go Cadel ! The polls - Woot! The Hawks (and grudgingly the Pussies ) - Wow.


Courtesy of the Jelly .

All my frendz r belong to bookface

WTF!? I turn my back for one minute and the internets have been kidnapped by Myspaz for grown-ups . Honestly, the number of people who are suddenly facebooked up is growing with alarming speed. Various people have tried to explain it to me - sounds like a cross between Myspace , Twitter and instant messaging with pictures - but I can't say I'm particularly drawn. But then maybe that's because I'm not someone who necessarily WANTS to find a long lost classmate from my high school days and can think of few things less appealing than having to decide if I really want to be someone's e-friend if invited. To further my exasperation, Facebook is all secretly protected behind a members only screen. Maybe this is why people like it so much, it keeps the publics prying eyes away. But at the same time it means that anyone who's not completely sold on it can't just go and have a look. It's annoying, and simply adds to the whole feeling of exclusion. Still, t