Pet numbers drop, kids to blame
"Pets ditched for games" says the headline on the Hearld-Sun website , complete with a picture of a sad puppy. The amusingly named Dr Seksel *snigger*, President of the Australian Veterinary Association, reports that changing lifestyles have seen a reduction in the number of pets in the last 15 years. "Our style of living is different. We do tend to live in apartments and high rises more than we did 15 years ago," Dr Seksel said. Fair enough. "Modern suburban dwellings are much less likely to have a big backyard, which tends to restrict choices about pet ownership. Reasonable point. "Australian children these days are much more likely to be sitting inside playing video games than running around the backyard, which I think is a shame." WTF!? It's those lazy fat children that are to blame! They're bringing down society from within with their perfidious "computer games" and their "U-Tubes" and their "My-Spaces"! ...