From this morning's AM . Chris Uhlmann interviewing Andrew Robb, Vocational Education Minister. CHRIS UHLMANN : This argument on experience, this argument on experience, saying you can't replace experience with inexperience is a self-annihilating argument. If you argue that then you would never change governments, would you? ANDREW ROBB : But people need to look long and hard at, you know, at what the circumstances, the economic circumstances are that are there. Labor is promising to scrap our industrial relation laws which will only remove the checks and balances on inflation and risk an interest rate break-out. Now, when, the thing is, when you look behind Labor's slogans, when you peek behind Labor's, there is nothing there. Nothing but what they've copied from us. The rest of it, they have not done the policy work, they have not made a case for taking over government. And people do face a choice in an election. Governments do change, but, but when they change t...