Insert banana here
It comforts me to think that "The Australian People" (TAP) will swallow any crap about the economy as long as it is peddled by a Liberal politician. Witness the Australian Prime Minister explaining why he is not to blame for rising interest rates : " "What happened was that people shifted to buy other fruit because there were no bananas available and not only did bananas go up but all the other fruit went up as well," Mr Howard told ABC radio yesterday." Holy crap/you are a genius etc. Always willing to put himself on the front line to protect his constituents, John Howard flew to Queensland yesterday IN A MILITARY HELICOPTER to inspect the banana growing region in northern Queensland. Presumably his security detail was expecting trouble following reports that The Boy With The Screwdriver had recently been sighted in the area. THIS IS WHY WE NEED AN AIRFORCE PEOPLE! un Fortunately, the Prime Minister arrived in the region safely and was able to greet the...