In case you missed it
A BOOZED Glenn Milne pushing Stephen Mayne off the stage at last night's Walkley Awards. Pure Gold! In other news, that insufferable "net star" Sandi Thom - you know the one responsible for "I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker" - has apparently been in Melbourne and was to play a "secret gig" until only 25 people showed up and it got cancelled. Ha! (I know I shouldn't laugh, but really, that song is infuriating) And in further news, it appears that Labor's very own gracefully aging lesbian look-alike Kevin "The Animal" Rudd is going to challenge the Beazer after all. What a shock! Frankly, anyone or anything that can get rid of that droning policy vacuum of a national leader should be heartily applauded. *takes off angry boots* Separated at birth? Labor's Kevin Rudd Comedian Sue-Ann Post I'm just saying.